Sunday 9 July 2017

Day 5


Awesome website about educational movies which contains worksheets. Here are some titles:

- Arrival (aliens)
- Hidden figures (racism)
- Pele
- Lion (the story of an orphan)
- The Martian


In my opinion, webminars  are a new source of teacher training. This year I had the chance to attend one of them and I found it really exciting and useful. I guess this year I'm going to take advantage of as many as possible.


- BBC stories
- Greatbigstory (facebook)

TO MAKE GROUPS, kind of whatsapp



Googleforms  (to make tests and questionnaires)

Socrative  (to create tests and quizzes . You can download it and get paper version)

The space quiz is really engaging.

RECOMMENDED BOOKS (thanks a lot)


Virtual reality


This tool is a sort of Kahoot with cards. Very interactive, too.


Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.

You will have to use a pair of goggles and an application which contains educational videos. The experience is immersing.

Here are some recommendable apps:

- Google Cardboard 
- Sites in VR
- War of Words
- youtube 360º Videos
- nytvr
- expediciones

Our VR experience !!

Multiple choice test about our VR recording
1.       What is written on the blue sign?
a.       Welcome
b.      Escola Joviat
c.       Benvinguts
d.      Benvinguts a casa vostra
2.       What can you see after the sign?
a.       The cafeteria
b.      The gym
c.       A computer lab
d.      A Vocational Training Class
3.       How many cars can you see in the Car Park?
a.       Three
b.      Two
c.       Four
d.      Only a van
4.       What colour are they?
a.       They are all black
b.      Black and Red
c.       They are all white
d.      They are white and blue
5.       What year was the school founded?
a.       In the year 1999
b.      In the year 1960
c.       In the year 1916
d.      In the year 1996
6.       How many students did the school have at the beginning?
a.       10
b.      7
c.       14

d.      21

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Day 3


Abel also reminded us of the importance of Personal Learning Network, that is to say learning by sharing !!!


My adventure on twitter has just began. Let's see what happens !!


A new way to learn to get involved in mobile technology !!! Click on the link to learn more.


A good tool for learning and fun !!

Day 2

Bloom's digital taxonomy verbs

A must whenever planning
our lessons.

Augmented reality

What is augmented reality?

To me, it's an amazing teaching tool !! You can see reality through a screen !!
You will need:

- A smartphone + camera
- Internet connection
- Software

BLIPPAR is a website where you can find simple worksheets. You see an object with information associated to it. You will have to sign up.

Mobile Technologies in Schools.

Here is an infographic on a very interesting article about the role of technology in teaching.

Monday 3 July 2017

Day 1

Feedback from the last course

It was really nice to meet students from last year!! What a class !!! another year,  they are still so energetic, willing to learn and share teaching experiences !! A real pleasure !!!
Some of us enjoyed using edpuzzle. One of us also mentioned having used bitly to shorten URLs. Various teachers mentioned 
padlet as a very motivating tool and quizlet (very successful to learn vocabulary). Some others also mentioned (very useful to watch films) and ISSUU which I tried to use several times but it didn't seem to work.

A day made of glass

A very interesting video about teaching in the future generations !! Good stuff for discussion !!
Essential characteristics of the XXIst educator:

- Relationship builder
- Learner
- Inclusive
- reflective
- networked
- motivator
- Leader
- Storyteller
- Designer
- Artist

How to create an avatar from your phone with BITMOJI


Always in a hurry