Sunday 9 July 2017

Virtual reality


This tool is a sort of Kahoot with cards. Very interactive, too.


Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.

You will have to use a pair of goggles and an application which contains educational videos. The experience is immersing.

Here are some recommendable apps:

- Google Cardboard 
- Sites in VR
- War of Words
- youtube 360º Videos
- nytvr
- expediciones

Our VR experience !!

Multiple choice test about our VR recording
1.       What is written on the blue sign?
a.       Welcome
b.      Escola Joviat
c.       Benvinguts
d.      Benvinguts a casa vostra
2.       What can you see after the sign?
a.       The cafeteria
b.      The gym
c.       A computer lab
d.      A Vocational Training Class
3.       How many cars can you see in the Car Park?
a.       Three
b.      Two
c.       Four
d.      Only a van
4.       What colour are they?
a.       They are all black
b.      Black and Red
c.       They are all white
d.      They are white and blue
5.       What year was the school founded?
a.       In the year 1999
b.      In the year 1960
c.       In the year 1916
d.      In the year 1996
6.       How many students did the school have at the beginning?
a.       10
b.      7
c.       14

d.      21

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